We got to the storage facility at 7am this morning to finish unloading the truck.
Here is our space. Look at the white trail we left, taking the molds from the truck to the space.
Quinn was bored last night. So he was drawing on the ground with broken pieces of plaster.
Thank you, Sloane for taking this lovely picture of me in the truck.
We left about 200 molds in the van and brought them to our house so we could start sifting through them. They filled up the space where the golf cart usually sits and part of the studio. I should have taken pictures. I'll try to remember tomorrow. This is just an overwhelming amount of molds. But there are some really great things. There are HUGE pots of all shapes and sizes in there. I don't know if I'll be able to keep those. Not sure if my kiln is large enough for those. We'll have to see.